Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bigfoot, Nessy and Fish Face

Ever notice that when theres something that your kid does that you'd like to get a photo or video of, they'll never do it on command? You have to be in the right place at the right time, like someone was for these two pics of Bigfoot and The Loch Ness Monster.

We've been trying to get Ashtyn to do her fish face for a picture for the better part of a month and either the camera is too slow in taking it, or when we try to imitate it to try to get her to do it, she looks at us like we got into a batch of the hippie lettuce.

And then by chance the other day she did it out of the blue while Katie was taking a random pic of her.

The other thing I've noticed is that things that used to excite the bejesus out of them one week turns into mundane the next, with no explanation. It was always easy to take her to a mirror and she would bust out laughing and then two days ago it was "yeah, I've seen myself in the mirror 437,000 times dad. That was so January."

Her new thing is to put random pieces of cloth in her mouth and crawl/walk around with them. She likes bibs the best, but socks or dishtowels work just as well.

As most of you know as well, Ashtyn went in for ear tubes yesterday. Everything went well - more on that later this week!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Adventures of Little One

6 ear infections
4 months not sleeping
3 something , something
2 teeth a cutting

Say it to the tune of the ’12 Days of Christmas’ and you might get a mild giggle. I couldn’t think of anything for 3.

Little one is quite the trooper though! Even with all the ear infections, colds, etc., she’s a happy baby 90% of the time, which makes us wonder what she’ll be like after next week!

We’re not sure if Ashtyn has had 6 ear infections or just 1 since she was born that never really went away. I think there was one time we went to the Dr. though that they gave her ears the all clear so there was maybe a couple weeks that she was infection free. The big news though, is that she’ll be having tubes put in her ears next Tuesday! Kind of scary for mom and dad, but if it lets her get free of the infections we’re all for it!

She’s found a new gear these days and has discovered the joys of the pots and pans in the cabinets, how easily dish towels come out of drawers and that real cell phones are much better to chew on than fake ones. I even got out an old cell phone that powers up still, and she’d still rather play with ones that she can text or call random people with. FYI - if you get a text from me or Katie that says “XY^*XJDDLSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP&&&&&&” or a call that you hear jibberish on, it’s probably not from us – Ashtyn is just checkin in with her peeps.

Her taste buds are getting a workout these days as well as she’s moved into the next level of baby food. Gone are the single serving bananas or carrots. Now it’s squash and corn or apples and cherries. Katie is under the assumption that if she doesn’t like something, Ashtyn won’t either. “Yeah, I gave her peas tonight, she didn’t like them.” So the next night I feed her peas and she eats the whole package. Hmmmmmmmm, interesting!! I can’t wait for the day that she asks for seconds on pickled eggs, baked beans and onions. I bet she’ll like her steak medium-rare and her chili with more than just a hint of Tabasco in it as well.

Her other new favorites in no particular order are:
1) Standing - although she doesn't see a lot of point in it since she can't do more than take a step or two.
2) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Hot Dog song.
3) Crawling as fast as she can away from mom and dad.
4) Reading 'Babys First Farm Book' and 'By The Light of the Silvery Moon'.
5) Mirrors
6) The sounds of M, D and G. MA-MA-MA!! DA-DA-DA!! GA-GA-GA-GAH!!!!
7) The DVD player, Playstation or any games or discs that go with them.
8) Shoes
9) Purses and their contents.

And finally......
10) Shopping

She's going to cost daddy some money someday with those last 3.

Now for your updated photo gallery!