I won't be "working blue" in this blog, maybe on the corners of it, but the kids will be able to read it too.
I know what your saying right now, "La dee frickin dah. new stupid blog about somebody and their kid, gee we haven't seen this before." "Skeets acting like he's the only one to ever have a baby." Well yes, thats true, but I might make it mildly amusing.
So the cast of characters:
Skeet & Kate

(Amazingly, Katie has already put the kibosh on the names "Justin Morneau Miller and Joe Mauer Miller if it's a boy.)
Whoa ladies!!! I know your also thinking, "what if it's a girl?!?!". Again, just based off the parents, this is probably the best I can come up with.

Anyways, check back early and often. Set up an RSS feed, I don't know the frequency of the posts, but I can guarantee one around the 16th of May!!
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