Changing diapers can present several pitfalls and challenges that I've learned require the delicate handling of the situation. One wouldn't bear hunt with a BB gun and neither should one change a baby diaper without an understanding of anatomy - namely underestimating the power that can be generated by an 8 and 1/2 pound baby. I've learned to respect loaded guns and now I'm learning to respect baby's with full stomachs.
The following diagram show's the approximate danger zone of which if you are sitting in, could result in a change of clothes for both baby and you during a diaper change.

It's not that she doesn't give up clues about the impending danger. Like the Great Tiger in Mike Tyson's Punch Out with his flashing jewel on his turban, she will give a smile, grunt or a tense up to let you know that the dam is about to burst. It just took me awhile to read that. Granted, much of mine, Katies and Ashtyn's wardrobe has needed a quick trip to the washer to get to this point, but we are learning.
Another point to touch on tonight is the area of sleep. As most of you know, babies sleep a lot, but generally not when you'd like to sleep as well and sometimes not as soundly as you'd like either. So in order to get her to get the most out of her sleep I downloaded some "ocean wave" sounds to calm her and trust me, this stuff puts a person in knockout mode....... you sleep, well, like a baby!
The sounds that I downloaded included an occasional chirp of a seagull in it, which is what the ocean sounds like if you've ever sat on a beach and listened. The funny part is that I was sitting here blogging the other night and had the CD on for her while she slept and when the bird squawked - she would squawk too. After a few times of this happening I went back to listen and Katie was sitting up in bed wondering if she was hearing what I was hearing. Yep, Ashtyn in her sleep was subconsciously mimicking the sounds that she heard on the CD!!
So that pretty much confirmed for me that she's a musical genius and I can only begin to imagine what other areas she will score off the charts on. Ok, maybe it's a little early for that, but if she can make bird sounds this well....... DADDY HAS HIMSELF SOMEONE TO CALL IN TURKEYS FOR HIM!!!!!
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