Speaking of hunting season, the opportunities have abounded like never before this year. It’s always the year that you move. In my mind I rationalize things by saying “we have 3 weeks to pack” or “we’ve gotten everything packed that we can, so I can go hunting.”
A copuple weekends ago we headed to the Sanborn ND area for some duck and goose hunting. Mornings were in the goose blinds and the afternoon was ducks in a slew. There’s two types of duck hunters.
A.) The type that sets out decoys, calls and gets the ducks to come in.
B.) The type that sits in a spot that so many ducks come by that they eventually get ducks to come in. Duck hunting by attrition.
I fall into the second category. Yes, I have decoys, yes I have a duck call that I can make sounds from, but rarely does that combination result in me shooting many ducks. That’s why the slew that I picked out was perfect. The constant barrage of ducks had me twisting my head every direction for 3 straight hours, but since they were more or less buzzing my decoys at Mach 3, I spent most of that time shooting at the ducks, missing and then shooting again and hitting them in the same place.
The other problem with this is that I’m colorblind so I don’t pick out the colors on the ducks as they pass really well and since there is a limit on the numbers and types of ducks you can shoot I just break down the duck varieties into 2 categories as well.
A.) Drake Mallards
B.) Everything else, or “Teal”.
When people duck hunt with me and ducks speed past they ask, “what was that?”, I just reply, “Musta been a Teal”.
Using this theory, you shoot every duck you see until you shoot a hen Mallard (cuz you can only shoot one hen Mallard), then you have to be picky. This, to those that were nearby listening is why my first hour sounded like WWIII and the last two sounded like I’d fallen asleep in the weeds, which I actually did for a bit, but the stench of rotting slew grass keeps you from a real deep sleep.
Speaking of hunting, it’ll soon be time for a new whiteboard picture!! Faithful blog reader, Rusty, texted me a couple of ideas so since he actually showed interest in the blog I'll be doing one of his ideas.
Of course we need an update on the happenings with little one here as well! She had a bit of a cough so we took her into the walk in clinic. Thats a bit like not taking her in at all....... the doctor on duty that day took a couple minutes to do a poor job of checking her over and then told us it was viral and she had to just wait it out. Luckily Katie called the next day to our Pediatrician and she got us in the following day to do a chest x-ray and stuff. Everything was clear, but she did think there was maybe some acid reflux and possibly some infection so we got her on antibiotics and Prevacid for the acid. Within a few days we had our little one back to normal! Or close to normal. She likes to wake up every night about 4:30 now to eat and get a diaper change but if we get to bed early it's not quite as bad.
Last Sunday was a perfect fall day so we got a chance to meet up with most of the family out at Papa's Pumpkin Patch. You would think a little baby like that would get mad of getting passed around, but she likes everyone and also sat still for some photo opps. Here's some pics from the day.
Last story for this post now. So last night I put her down in her crib and 15 minutes later she was fussing, so I went back in and got her to rock in the chair for awhile. Of course I was watching baseball so I proped her up so she could watch with me. After about 20 minutes she leaned back, looked over at me and sighed like she was saying "Ok, I'm done watching", then she buried her nose in my shoulder and was out like a light. Funniest, cutest thing she's done around me so far!!
Ok, I also have more stories about our trip last weekend to Herreid for the Pheasant opener, but thats an entirely different blog, so staty tuned for that in a day or two.