I should have done this one last spring since thats when the grouse dance, but it'll work.
You'll notice that Dan has hung a sign by the board now warning anyone that thinks they can improve on things by pulling some shenanigans and adding to the pics. Don't mess with Dan Ruff.
On a side note from that office, Dan and Matt have had a standing $5 bet on who could throw a mini dart at a wall calendar and hit the head of a pheasant that was part of the calendar artwork. As you can see below, there were a number of misses before Dan actually hit it. It looks like it should be easy, but a 1/2" by 1/2" target at 8 feet with mini darts is pretty tough. Congrats to Dan!! The new contest has them having to hit the same target, but just the white part of the head..... 1/4" by 1/4". I'll keep you updated on the outcome of that!

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