Things are picking up as far as plans. Yesterday on the noon hour I went over with plans of getting measurements and taking multiple pics so we could think about room colors, curtains, storage, etc. Of course I have grand ideas of being completely ready to step in on the 27th, paint and be moved into the new place and out of the old by the 31st.
This, I would guess won't be the case. I envision a mass Chinese fire drill, culminating in us getting out of the apt at 11:59 pm on the 31st and sleeping on couches the first night in the new place. Planning helps me pass the time though.
The camera of course was low on battery power so it kept shutting down on me and I only got 9 pics. Check out my artistic talent with the camera.
Nice pic idiot, we already know what the kitchen looks like.

Wow! Its the corner of a room! And since you didn't turn the light on the color looks 5 shades lighter than it really is.

Me confirming that there is a corner in this room with a ceiling above it.

Again, One wall, Check. Second wall, Check. Ceiling, Check.

Anyone notice a pattern here? I'm infatuated with room corners!!

I really like this closet for some reason and thought it needed a pic taken of it. Katie got to hear my closet story about 3 times. It's not like it was a portal closet to the 4th dimension or something. 'But look honey, we can store stationary bikes and big bouncy balls now!!!' I was worried that we wouldn't have room for my 'Sanford and Son' and 'One Day At A Time' DVD collections either - problem solved.

These last 3 you can really hear the gears turning in my head....."Yep, this big empty space is going to hold a vehicle, and these shelves are going to work really good for storage containers just like they have." Evidently the previous owners were fans of gourds and pumpkins. I'm not into those as much, but at least I know I can store them now. Of the 9 pictures I took, 1/3 of them were of the garage. That should help with Katie's planning.

I did do some good though. I did get window measurements for curtains and found out where the dumpster was. I also measured the fireplace mantle so I can get Rudy the Rooster prepared for his new home. It's all about priorities kids.
So where are you going to put the deep freeze?
I already have the spot picked out in the garage!!
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