"Ok, we're at the login.... username. What's my username?.... Oh yeah!"
"Password???? Lets try this!!..... BINGO!!!"
Even after all this time I still remember how to get on here!!
Seriously I'd have to rewrite 'War and Peace' to recap whats happened since the last post so here's the Cliff Notes version. Read further for more details after the photos.

Ok, to start off, a certain little girl turned one on May 13th!! It was for a girl so nice we had to celebrate twice, once on her actual birthday with friends and family in town and again a week and a half later when the whole family could get together. We thought long and hard, but went with a Minnie Mouse theme for the party and although we talked of lobster and prime rib, we went with tacos in a bag for the lunch fare. Ashtyn knew something was up and giggled when we sang happy birthday to her, but I think she had more fun playing with kids than anything.
On to #2. Hopefully you weren't all blinded by the shine from the ring. Thats correct though! On Saturday, August 20th 2011 (assuming Katie doesn't kick me out of the house first) we will be officially married! Since this will be the last of 7 Miller weddings, I'll assume it will be the best as well. Bring your dancing shoes and check your liver at the door!
#3. An odd pic you say? Yes, but also what I'll be hunting this fall in North Dakota. There are 3 once in a lifetime big game tag chances in ND - Elk, Moose and Bighorn Sheep. Most people feel fortunate to have ever drawn one. This is my second. I also drew an Elk tag in 2006..... E-mail me for the next winning Powerball lottery ticket numbers if you want. This story is gonna get some play in the coming months on the blog.
Last but not least, fly fishing! When I went two summers ago to the Madison River in Montana I was hooked, last year I was a little preoccupied with things to worry about fishing. "See you honey" and leaving Katie with a 2 month old baby just wasn't gonna happen. This year things worked out and we got into the trout pretty good.
So now the reason for the title of the blog. "No eating in the car kids!". Tomorrow we head out for our first family vacaction of sorts. My youngest brother is getting married in Fargo and although we've been back to Sherwood and Herreid several times, this will be the first hotel stay for little one. We're both a little nervous on how things will go, but barring a 3 hour meltdown by Ashtyn from Bismarck to Fargo I'll consider it a success!!
So thats about it for now. Nothing to funny in this post, but it'll give us some fodder for our next fireside chat.
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