"UP!! UP!!!"
"No, No."
Those two words are probably the most spoken words in the house right now.
Unfortunately, Ashtyn has a penchant for danger like her dad did back in the day. Obviously I don't remember, but way back in the 70's I was a master at figuring out how to take toys and build ladders to get out of playpens, cribs or any other device designed to keep me in.
Like dad, Ashtyn wants up on everything, but tests the boundaries and ledges of whatever she's on. The other day she was standing on the couch and Grandma Kelly came in the front door and called her name. In about the time it takes her to fill a diaper she was running across the couch and attempted to leap off the edge of it. Luckily mom was there to catch her.
So now we constantly walk around behind her waiting for the next thing she's trying to climb up on or jump off of.
I have a bad feeling that when she learns to count it's not going to be "1,2,3,4....", it's going to be "3,2,1, BUNGEE!!!!!!"
So funny :)) DAnger is my middle name :))
Your posts are hilarious & intriguing - I've read down this far & am still scrolling, it probably helps that children fascinate me. Its great fun to read :)
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