Sunday, February 6, 2011


Suppose it would be decent of me to post on here again someday soon.


Tricia Miller said...

Why yes, it would!!

Pixie said...

Just read your entire blog, and now I see you haven't posted at all in 2011. Disappointed. I feel like I know all of you. How are the wedding plans going? How is Ashtyn doing? Is Kaylan still partying, or did she settle down and find herself a nice man. Enquiring minds want to know. :)

the skeet said...

Yes, I know. I went on hiatus for a bit there, but I'm back now and all of your questions will be answered in the blog in the next couple weeks!

Pixie said...

Welcome back Skeet! This was a great post. I have two granddaughters, ages 3 and 1, so a lot of what you talk about with Ashtyn hits pretty close to home. I raised two boys, so having little girls around is a totally different experience. Boys were easy...girls, not harder, just prettier. :) Anyway, glad to see you are back blogging again. Looking forward to the next installment!

郭雪弗 said...
