Never a dull moment, which means few moments to stop and blog.
As I told you before, Ashtyn got some tubes put in her ears about a week ago. We haven't seen a huge change in her personality as of yet. She babbles, walks and crawls around as much as she ever did before. Her sleep patterns took a turn for the worse the week following the appt., but it's gotten better the last few nights so at least we can get some sleep as well now. Yeah, we still go to bed early because she gets up early, but we'll take it!
Here are a couple of pics from the hospital, pre-op.

She had fun in the play area and Katie wanted to keep her surgery wear. She did look pretty cute in it.
Hopefully this is the first and last time that we need to have tubes put in for her.
And now, since there's so much that happens, but none of it good enough for a post in it's own. Random things that happen with us:
While watching the Olympics
Katie: When does Ooko Uno skate again?
Skeet: *Insert questioning look by me*
Katie: I know, I know, it's Apollo Uno........
Skeet: Ummmmmm..... Actually it's not, it's Apollo Ono.
In my opinion, Katie got the best Valentines Day gift ever. Or at least the best besides a picture of me to hang at work. She got a pair of Oakley Sunglasses.
Pretty sure she's the only one in Bismarck with them since none of the dealer locations carried them in town and I had to order them off their website. Here's the ones she got.

For those of you that know me, you know I have an addiction to Oakley sunglasses. Not sure why, but I do. From the first pair I bought in about 1996 to the most recent ones, I still have them all. Except one pair that I took a bad hop grounder off the face with a few years ago.
She wanted to know one time how many of them I had. I told her, "don't worry about it."
She also isn't sure how many guns I have down in my gun cabinet and only I know where the keys are for it. Should be pretty easy to sneak a new one in down the road if need be.
Katie was mad last night because her phone wouldn't charge. Turns out her charger was broke. I thought "Hmmm. Charger should at least last as long as the phone." Turns out she's had the same charger for the last THREE phones! I thought that every phone had a slightly different plug in so they could jab you $30 for a $2 cord on all new phones. Guess Alltel hasn't caught onto Verizon's game yet.
Last night Katie also made meatballs and gravy. As she was getting everything done she mentions in passing "startin to come together" and then asks me what movie thats from.......... There's two movies that I can recite front to back and show you all the mess ups on - Major League and Hoosiers. That quote is from Major League and Lou says it to his 3rd base coach Tim Leech as he's running out of the dugout.
I wore out 1 VHS tape of Major League watching that movie (for those of you old enough to remember VHS). I also wore out an 8-Track tape of 'Survivor' once as well..... for those of you old enough 8-Track. "IT'S THE, EYE OF THE TIGER, IT'S THE THRILL OF THE FIGHT!!"
And now, 10 random things I think I thought.
1.) A baby's interest level in something is double in proportion to your interest in it. You like your cell phone, remote control and iPod, they REALLY like your cell phone, remote control and iPod.
2.) Most everything gets easier with raising a child as they get older, except changing diapers.
3.) 9:30 is a bit late to be getting to bed.
4.) Coming home from daycare, the on ramp changes from 2 lanes to one. There's always 1 person who thinks they can leap frog the entire line in the driving lane. The other day, all of us in the driving lane teamed up to prevent her from getting over and she had to drop to the back of the pack. WOOO HOOO!!! Stay strong brothers.
5.) We can dress Ashtyn in a pink dress, with a pink coat and pink shoes and someone will inevitably still refer to her as 'him'.
6.) Apple with Cherries baby food is delicious. "Honest Katie, she was that hungry tonight! She wanted 2 packs instead of 1!"
7.) Getting a baby ready to go on a winter morning for daycare is like preparing for a Space Shuttle mission. The car seat even has the same 3 point latching system I think.
8.) The Twins need to sign Joe Mauer to a long term deal NOW!
9.) Ashtyn will probably see on TV at least parts of 162 Twins baseball games this year.
10.) I was watching the Price Is Right the other day. Drew Carey referred to the one prize as "a brand new color TV". Aren't we to the point yet that the color part is implied??