Friday night Jason Horners #1 Mandan Braves took on the #2 ranked Williston Coyotes so I decided to take in the contest. Good game, with Mandan prevailing 63-60, proving that talent can overcome poor coaching. Williston was the benefactor of some home cooking on the road, combine that with some poor free throw shooting by the Braves towards the end of the game and it ended up as a nail biter. Here is a photo of Jason doing his best Norman Dale impression as he leaves the court at halftime.
Saturday we had to move Katie's sister from her apt. into a condo that her friend Britanni had bought. The place is just down the road from the apt., so it shouldn't be too hard for her to come over and babysit on short notice. Right Kaylan? Thanks in advance.
Sunday was the Super Bore and Katies Steelers were playing. Game was good, Steelers tried their best to lose it at the end, none of my numbers hit on the boards so I didn't win any money and with the exception of the one E-Trade commercial with the babies they were all a waste of $3 million dollars each. Economy must be bad..... companies must have started hiring bloggers like me to write their spots. The one saving grace was that The Office had an hour long new episode after the game that was probably the best episode of the year to date.
Ok, so this blog is about the baby that isn't born yet, so an update on that as well!! Katie had an appt this morning and we're now more confused as to when to expect the little tike. May 10th? May 16th? May of 2010. They always pull out the little wheel thingy that tells you when things are due, that says one thing, the ultrasound says another. All I know for sure is the heartbeat is 140 beats per minute, something else is 27 centimeters and that theres lots of stuff to play with in the Dr's office while you're waiting for them to come in.
Also, we've decided to not find out if it's a boy or a girl kind of like they did in the old days back when I was born. Quick shout out to my boy Rhett Benning, who's wife recently had a baby boy - Kaleb or Caleb....... I can't remember if it's K or C? Anyways, he'll probably be the QB of Bismarck High or Century someday, so maybe we can work on getting you a receiver, or a cheerleader. Just one note, they are not allowed to date in the future if we have a girl!!!! But more on that in a future post.....
I've heard that May 20th is a helluva day in history. I think that would be a great birthday for the little one. that's who "mills" is. May is a crappy month. We all know the geniuses of the world were born in January.
I like to stay anonymous as long as possible.
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