The taxidermist that did the mount lives in Sherwood and does geological work or something for oil companies. He's rarely home so it may be awhile before my Dad can go out and get it and then for him to bring it down here. We'll see how he fits in the decor and go from there.
There were always two mounts I said I would never do because the are too common. A Northern and a Pheasant. Well, of the two actual mounts that I have, they are a Northern and Pheasant. Oh well, they are like my little pets that I don't have to feed or treat for fleas and ticks.
I'm going to add a poll to see if it should go on the wall. Vote early and often.
What kind of poll is that??? I would even settle for a maybe!
OMG - is pretty much all I have to say. Also I need to comment on your poll. ITS SUCKS, and I hate to say it but Katie you are going to lose, sadly!
I may adjust the poll answers to allow for answers in the negative....
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