A few things have become apparent to me in recent weeks.
1.) People get confused and even appalled when you tell them you didn’t find out the sex of the baby.
2.) Babies are supposed to be on Lombardi Time “10 minutes early is late.” So when the baby isn’t born 7 days early people start thinking there’s something wrong.
3.) There are more old wives tales relating to babies and birth than for any other human activity or ailment. “Carry high, Carry low, Chinese calendars, etc….” the list goes on forever. The only thing I know from listening to all of them is that we will probably have a boy or girl, sometime in the month of May. Interestingly enough, that’s what the doctor told us 8 months ago.
I also got a bit of a scare Sunday morning. I was scheduled to read in church and I debated in the weeks leading up to the 10th whether I should find a sub. Thursday I called my sister in laws, niece to have her on “ready 5” just in case. Katie didn’t sleep the best Saturday night so I told her I was going and to text me if something started.
Normally I put my phone on silent, vibrate or leave it in the truck during church, but I made sure I had it and that it was close by yesterday. I was about halfway through reading to the congregation on Barnabas sending Saul on his way to Tarsus when my back pocket started vibrating. That I didn’t start pounding the pulpit Southern Baptist style is a miracle, but I made it through without being to noticeable. When I got back to the pew I looked and it was my sister that had texted me. She was wondering if there was any movement since she had picked Sunday the 10th in the family baby pool.
Oh yeah, picked up a couple things for little one at the Duke online store. We already decided that her breathing technique for labor won’t be ‘hee, hee, hoo’. It’s going to be “Lets, go, Duke”.

Yeah all those predictors are insane! The problem is, is that they always have a 50% chance of being right, and crazy woman are convinced of things easily.
Being a Heels fan I hate the Duke beanie, but I don't mind the Duke pacifier, they do suck...HAHAHAHA!
Little one is going to go to sleep at night hearing about stories of JJ Redick sticking 3's.
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