Take a look at this picture and tell me what it is. A jungle in Laos? A cattail slew? Maybe the reeds of the Everglades?
Take a closer look! Its the view off our patio!!
Katie had warned me about Spanky McGee's lawn care habits around the apt. complex, but I chose not to believe that someone could allow a lawn to get this out of control. At the current pace the lawn won't be mowed this summer. If he shows up in the next few day's it'll be on pace for 3 cuttings.
The worst part is that he brought in a lawn care company a week or so ago to fertilize the grass, which is kinda like wiping a baby's butt before they poop. It just don't make any sense! Why would one encourage the growth of grass they don't intend to ever cut??
Most of you with lawns have probably mowed, what? 3 or 4 times already this year? I may have to bestir myself to put on my civic minded cap and contact the City of Mandan on the problem. As things stand, if lil Ashtyn were able to crawl out the door we'd have to organize a search party once she hit the grassy area.
p.s. - if anyone wants to bale whats there you can probably get a half dozen idiot cubes or maybe a decent round bale out of it right now.
You mean...you would contact the city of West Bismarck, right?
Correct Nats, West Bismarck! Thanks for pointing out my error! :)
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