My original plans were to keep a running diary of the move out of the apt to the condo, but with the amount of work involved it was impossible, so you’re going to get blasted with one big blog post, a Novella of sorts. Feel free to get up now, go to the bathroom, get a beverage and maybe a 3 course meal before you start reading……….. Done? Good, now settle in for the journey from 4540 McKenzie Dr SE, Apt 9 to 1022 Pleasant St.
I’m going to break this up into ‘chapters’ so you can follow the flow.
Closing it down2 months ago we set the closing date to be Oct. 27th and as that day got closet I started to wish we had moved it to be earlier. Getting packed at the old place with a 5 month old baby is tough, but at noon we were signing papers. The title company was nice enough to give a NDG&T pen to sign with and let us keep, so in essence it’s the most expensive pen you’ll ever buy. A ½ hour and 75 signatures later we were walking out the bank door with keys to the new place in tow. Harsh realities time had started in that we had now 4 days to get the new place ready and the old one cleaned out.
Different shades of GrayAfter looking at the condo a couple months ago, we decided that we liked their painting for the most part and only needed to paint 2 rooms. Ashtyn’s room and the downstairs living room, 4 days later I think we had painted all BUT 2 rooms. We stuck to the plan for the first day and were just painting on the two we had decided on, but then Katie started noticing things that she didn’t like with the previous owners paint jobs, like the fact that most of the places only had one coat of paint on and you could see thru to the primer in spots, so every time I’d leave to go move stuff or pick something up from Lowes and come back, the drop cloths would magically appear in another room and the ladies were hammering away at another wall! The best was when Katie told me to go read the note in the kitchen. It was a 2 foot by 4 foot note painted on the wall in tan roller paint that said ‘heart U!’ (nice little painted heart). This was her way of saying “Love you and I’m painting the kitchen now too.” “Heart U too honey!! Have fun painting the kitchen on your own!!!”
I’m glad she got the stuff painted that she wanted tho, because it’s much easier to do it before you move in as opposed to after.
Our one ‘mishap’ occurred on Thursday. As some of you know and others may not, I’m partially colorblind. Mostly with greens, browns, reds and sometimes yellows. It’s not like I see the world like an “I Love Lucy” rerun and everything is black and white, it’s just that some colors run into others. The color that we picked out for the man cave was called Dark Sage and initially we were just going to paint a couple walls, but the previous owner was also fond of colors and at times it was like you were walking thru a game of Candy Land.
“I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.”Anyways, we were moving right along with the Sage Green paint, but we could tell that we were going to need another gallon of it in order to finish up so Katie made (another) run to Lowes to pick that up. She gave the lady the card with the name and number of the paint, they mixed it up and we were off again. I was doing touch up paint with the last of the first can while they put a second coat on and they kept remarking how it was going on streaky and darker. Of course, I was thinking it would all dry the same – same color, same results right? When I got to an outlet to go around that they had just painted up to and I was doing the touch ups, even I could tell something was wrong……. The same types of wet paint should look the same, but mine was lighter. Yep, Lowes had given up a shade darker green paint and we’d spent the last 2 ½ hours painting with different color paints.
So back to Lowes I went and this time I was determined to get a refund on the wrong can of paint as well as a new can of paint in the new color on the house. At first the lady was a little apprehensive at the new free can. I can be persuasive. Especially when I explained that Lowes just wasted 3 hours of my day painting the wall the wrong color. We got the refund and the new free can as well. Sometimes good customer service needs prodding.
The Longest DayFriday started early for us. We were about 75% packed at the old place and 80% done at the new place. It would have been nice to have someone come in and clean the carpets at both places, but there was only a room available for cleaning here and there so I ended up borrowing a carpet cleaner to do the rooms I could. Cleaning carpets can’t be that hard right? Wrong. It’s like trying to cultivate an entire section of land with a 12 foot cultivator in one day and your pulling it by hand. It’s not fun and you don’t get to listen to Paul Harvey tell the Rest Of the Story 4 times in the same day.
I did get the upstairs bedrooms, the hall and the guest room done, which is what I wanted to get done and then headed back over to the apt to finish some packing. This is where snag 2 comes in. When Katie had called in to have the utilities transferred to the new place they explained that MDU workers don’t work on weekend so we had to have power turned off on Friday. I found this out after I walked in to check my e-mail and the computer was powered down. Any idea how many times you flip a light switch thinking it will supply light, even though in the back of your mind you know it won’t. 112 times.
Scramble time!! Food in the fridge and daylight wasn’t going to last much longer. We did get the food moved over and as much as we could, got things packed. Determined to do more that night I had the brilliant idea of bringing over the trouble lights and the carpet cleaner to work as long as I could, couple extension cord and some power from the hallway would do the trick. Did I mention that the best landlord in Mandan and maybe the world had called us at 6:45 that morning to remind us to get the carpets cleaned? Chucky wasn’t going to get one more red cent out of me than he was worth tho, so I was doing this on my own- no hire outs for carpet cleaning!!!
I’m not sure why, but it was exactly 30 seconds before the breaker flipped that I thought that the trouble lights and carpet cleaner running out of the same outlet might do that…….. Darkness. Complete darkness. Don’t think I didn’t contemplate getting a propane lantern, but the carpet cleaner wasn’t going to run off propane so I grabbed a flashlight and stubbing my toes 10 times I packed and moved as much as I could into the living room. I promised everyone that volunteered to help move that everything would be boxed and ready to go at 8:00 a.m…… I texted once to change it to 8:30, then on the way home again to change it again to 9:00.
Out from the old, into the new5:45 comes early and without much celebration unless you’re heading to a goose blind. At the very least when everyone showed up and I wasn’t ready I could say “Yeah, been up since 5:45 and had to work without lights.” Then they would know that I put in some kind of effort anyways. A half hour of working in the dark was enough for me and I started looking at outside outlets. The nearest one was the neighbors to the west on their patio, so at the risk of scaring the bejesus out of them early in the morning and having them call the cops on me I plugged into their outside outlet. All of the things that didn’t belong in certain boxes before, all got thrown into community boxes now and by 9:00 I was as ready as I was going to get.
Of course when you’re hoping people will be late, they show up 5 minutes early. Olney was the only one that did me proud. He had went out the night before and was hit by a beer truck so it’s good that we had a lot of pillows and seat cushions for him to handle.
Folks, it went like clockwork. Everything was in the living room, trucks were backed up to the patio, loaded and left. By 11:30 we were out of the old place and sitting in the kitchen of the new place eating sausage, laughing and drinking pop. Now we get to spend the next two years trying to figure out what got put in what box.
A Parting ShotThe afternoon was spent cleaning up what was left in the apt. Katie, Kaylan and their mom had done a good job of cleaning everything in there, so I figured I better do my best to clean the carpets. After the carpet cleaner flipped the test switch on that outlet for the 3rd time, I gave up and sat there and thought to myself “I’ve already shoveled enough snow, fixed enough faucets and cleaned enough cobwebs out of the common area hallway that he gets no more of my time. I’ll be writing a letter to Chucky with a bill attached for all the shoveling which I’m sure he won’t pay, but I’ve already warned enough potential renters to the place about the dude so maybe him losing a few months rent from people not taking the place will be satisfaction enough for me.
So that sums it up. It took me 36 years, but I finally have a mortgage payment to make. Thanks to everyone that helped with the move!! I’ll try to keep the posts shorter from here on out. Stay tuned for the white board picture with a November theme. Sorry Rusty, we didn’t do the Caribou this month.