Not too bad I thought. Then Auntie Kaylan stopped over and left her Coach purse on the floor one day and Ashtyn was all into that. Kaylan likes to think that Ashtyn is now into Coach. No Kaylan, her main focus at 6 months is eating, sleepin and messing up diapers in that order, but if you want to believe its the purse then so be it. Daddy won't be shelling out a truck payment on a purse anytime soon. Today, she'd really gotten into moving about. Evidenced by this video.
Crawling wasn't enough for her today. She decided to see how far she could pull her self up the stairs. She did make it up one stair before I grabbed her off.
Here is a pic of her pulling herself up on me.
We also had Thanksgiving at the condo. Here I am carving the turkey.
And a nice little family photo.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Well Ashtyn is a little genious! And so stinkin' cute I can hardly handle it!
Skeet, Long time reader, first time commenter. I'm a loyal reader of the blog but I mostly get busy and forget and then catchup. A lot like the posts of late. Keep the good work up.
Thanks Matty!
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