Yes, every single item I list below I've personally tested so that you can shop with confidence the next time you go buy food for the baby that you don't have.
It's odd, some of the things that you think would be horrible, like butternut squash are very good, while other things that you think would be good, like banana's are kind of blah and tasteless.
In no particular order, here are some of my fav's and non-fav's.

Biter Biscuits - don't be fooled by them looking like Nutter Butter cookies. Even when dipped IN peanut butter they still taste like cardboard. I even tried dipping them in milk and they just ended up tasting like a soggy shoebox. Pass these over.

Folks, you're not gonna go wrong with these!!! They're shaped like a Cheeto, they smell like a Cheeto, they crunch like a Cheeto...... and surprisingly they taste like one too! Granted they aren't as cheesy, but they are made from whole grain so you get a bit of a roasted corn flavor in there. A pity the cans are so small, cuz you can pound one of these in no time.

Call a spade a spade here. It's cough syrup. Maybe Jamarcus Russell should have used this instead of codeine syrup in his Purple Drank. It's so packed full of electrolytes that they forgot to add decent taste.

This one may surprise a few of you, and I admit I was skeptical as well. Especially since I've tried all the other flavors of puffs and although they may smell like blueberry or apple, they taste like packing peanuts. These actually have a nice sweet start and finish well. They pair excellently with a nice Pinot Grigio or possibly even a Cabernet.

One word. Barf. They have a taste and consistency of a clay pigeon target and could be used for target practice, but I would recommened using #4 Heavy Game Load to break them. They also work well for proping up a wobbly table.

If you're a yogurt fan, then these are your treat. Me and Ashtyn have been known to pound a bag of these while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Culinary excellence. Cherry flavored apple sauce, pureed to perfection. Somebody at Gerber had better have gotten a high 5 for this creation!

I know I said in no particular order, but I did save the worst for last. This isn't even so much a review as it is a warning. Somebody at Gerber should have gotten fired over this one..... Mash up some turkey and vegatables, take out all the flavor and then blend in a healthy dose of blackboard chalk. It's like a paste and no amount of water will wash the taste or grit out of your mouth. That a baby can eat this and grin is beyond me, unless they are grinning, thinking about the faces daddy will make changing their diaper a couple hours from now.