Just down the row from my cube, a couple of guys, Kivisto and Ruff share an office that I hang out in from time to time. In one corner is a pile of stuffed animals that we have won off the Crane Game at Bonanza on Thursday's over the years.

Above that pile is a whiteboard that I suppose is there to jot down work related information; conversion time lines, software ideas and for general work related brainstorming. As exciting as dreaming and brainstorming about software sounds, the board is never used for that purpose. Which also goes to show that those two are as motivated as me sometimes. Anyways, one day a couple months ago I doodled a nice 5x5 whitetail buck with double drop tines on the whiteboard, the next month a pheasant. This month we decided to go with a landing goose scene. I call it "Landing Goose".

Like any good piece of art, it creates discussion. It's been determined by everyone that has seen it and pondered on it and discussed it's merits that, "we would let the lone goose land in the decoys because he's already committed. The three to the left are cuttin wind and coming and the pair will drop in once those commit." Some have argued that they would pass on the first six and wait on the main flock in the way back for a complete slaughter. Those people are idiots. If the three of us in the room looking at the picture were in blinds looking at this live scene, we'd hammer the 6, give some high fives and be 2/3's of the way to our limit.
Back to my story though. I signed my little work of art "Bob Ross". Nobody knew who Bob Ross was.......... This is Bob Ross.

Bob had a show on PBS for the better part of the 80's and 90's called "The Joy Of Painting" where he would throw some wet paint on a clean canvas and after a half hour of painting, whispering about "Happy Trees" and little woodland animals that played by this stream in the moonlight, he'd have created a masterpiece. One would think that something that easy could be done by anyone. Anyone, except 97% of the general population that has no spatial concepts or lack the ability to meld colors. People like me.
It was fun to watch though and right after his show was was more fun when "Sewing With Susan" came on. You haven't truly lived until you see someone hemming a pair of pants on TV. I think PBS planned it that way. Show two hours of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and Sesame Street to get the kids fired up about the alphabet and numbers, then put on an hour of this to make them go to sleep for their afternoon nap.
But yeah, I thought everyone knew about Bob Ross. Guess it's just people, circa 1983, Sherwood ND. Thats in the 58782 zip code in case you were wondering.
Remember this comes from a time where we only had 3 stations...4 if you counted the fuzzy Canadian station that you could tune in if the moons were aligned just right. A time where our only remote was Steve and Melissa turning the knob. A time where when cable did show up, we got 8 or 9 channels...TBS being one of them and we got to watch "Night Tracks" late on Friday and Saturday nights and WWF wrestling with the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.
Bob Ross provided quailty entertainment with his repertoire of witty euphemisms and soothing tones. Remember, there are not mistakes, just happy accidents. :)
That's freaking hilarious......
I would have let the six land and let the big group come in. When you have 10 shells in your gun who cares, right?
Admittedly, I would have probably hammered the loner if he passed me and played dumb that I didn't see the rest coming in.
I'm convinced that my vision is so horrible because i sat next to the TV for the better part of my childhood changing channels for the lazy ones on the couch.
I always thought it was exciting to get to "punch in the numbers" for the tv. We had that TV with the keypad, good times.
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