Kaylan has wanted to be featured in the worst way for so long, "Skeet, when are you gonna write about the best Aunt baby is going to have?". I think she likes the attention, so here it is for you. Now all 3 people that actually come and check out this blog on occasion can feel like they know you personally. Pretty weird feeling huh? Fame has a price tho, scrutinization. If your not sure on the meaning of the word, check Merriam Webster online or just know that it is formed from the words "Scrutinize": too look closely or minutely at and "ation", which makes it a longer word.
The reason I tell you this is so that you know when constructing comments to not delve too deep into things because you leave yourself open for return fire. You listed 3 seperate topics on what you thought I should write on, I'll take the 3rd part 1st.
"3. how wonderful it is to be my neighboring cube mate because you get to listen to me ALL day long"
There was a reason I bought $100 noise cancelling or as I like to call them "Kaylan Cancelling" headphones.............
Then, this little nugget:
I’m sure I could go on… I still haven’t met your family yet, which worries me… 1. Because I’m afraid they are going to like me more than they like KT and 2. because you may be embarrassed by me… Don’t worry I will hold the vulgar language to a minimum! Ok that’s all for now!
I like your style, but.......
1. The continued
2. numbering of
3. bullet points
4. is making me
5. dizzy
Actually, I have no problems with you meeting the family because then they will see that I was lucky to get Katie.

Ok, enough Kaylan bashing. Yes, she will be a great Aunt who I will keep on speed dial for babysitting duty and if it's a girl you can buy it all of the Coach and Burke or Doonie and Gabana clothes you want! Yes, she is a good cube mate although you need to get a PEZ dispenser collection like Hertzy had. And also, if it wasn't for little Kaylan, Katie and I would have never met!
P.S. - Kaylan likes to talk right into Mommy's stomach everytime she see's Katie. I'm going to lay money that the first time she holds the baby that it pukes all over her.
I was also going to make a comment on the number of listings that Kaylan made, but I didn't think that it would be appropriate coming from me. It is a good thing there are some people out there patrolling the interwebs as grammar police.
I would say that anyone that works next to Scott all day every day should be granted a certain amount of leeway.
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