I realize that isn't the female view per say. They tend to like to walk around Pier One, Target, TJ Maxx or some other store like that and spend $29.99 on a framed pic of wine bottle or a candle holder that hangs off the wall. Chances are what they buy will look nice, but they'll tire of it or it won't "fit the decor anymore" and be boxed up and put away in the attic, eventually to be sold for $3.50 at a garage sale. That's assuming the buyer isn't shrewd and talks them down to two and a quarter.
While my art might never grace a museum wall, all you ladies out there can't tell me you wouldn't like to have this gracing your living space!

The thing too, is that I can tell you exactly when and where each animal was taken. What the weather was like, how much or little I had to work to get it and chances are, 20 years from now I'll be able to tell you the same story. You'll probably still be sick of me telling it as well.
I realize that someday when we're in an actual house that my "art" will find a wall in the guys room. I'm sure me and my friends will be in that room looking at the mounts, discussing hunting and looking at guns while the women are out in the living room talking about how horrible their kids are sometimes. Except mine of course. I've already told you mine will be perfect.
Often times when writing on the blog I look up and gaze at this picture.

And to point, it is a form of female art. Katie did a really good job with it, It's thought provoking. Being a former bartender I've often tried to see if I can identify all of the libations. I think I have them all now. "I'll take 'What are girly drinks?' for $400 Alex".
Don't kid yourself. I have an eye for art and even through my colorblindness I can see that this would work much better in place of that Martini picture.

Anyways, over the years there will be some give and take on what belongs where and I'm sure that I'll be convinced to see things her way more often than not.
That being said, Katie, did I ever tell you about the fish that I caught about 4 years ago? Apparently the guy would did the taxidermy on it didn't completely forget about it........ SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!!

Agreed, agreed. If I can quote Jerry Seinfeld for just a second "What's the deal" with putting words on the wall. I think this phenomenon has come about in the last ten years or so and it seems to be the rage. "Live, Laugh, Love" is great and all but can't we just aspire to that without the constant reminder?
Yes, Scott you did tell me about that huge gross fish... I know it will grace its presence on our wall... I guess it will complete the "game" room we have going on in our living room. Maybe the left hand side of the patio window to even things out... OH MY GOODNESS what am I am saying.. I am agreeing to this... wow this compromise thing is getting silly!!!
I want to know what Kaylan thinks about all this!!! Too bad you scared her away from making any comments Scott!!
I didn't scare her away, she justs thinks that I need to tell her every single time I put something out there. She kind of has Princess Syndrome. I hope the baby doesn't turn out like her if it's a girl........
Katie, one day your going to wake up and the house will look like a Cabelas store and you'll wonder how it all happened!!
Oh Robert (a.k.a. Scott)doesnt scrae me... Robert is an inside joke from work....
Anyway, Scott knows how I feel about the animals and bones that have populted my once, shall we say "modern/girlie" apt... Every time I come over to the apt now I make a comment just to really push Scott's buttons and to make him realize that if/when they buy a house there will be a mans room or a "death room" as Scott put it...
AND... I have no clue what Scott is talking about when he refers to me as a Princess... I mean I can be bossy, I usually get my way and I like nice things... AND I find nothing wrong with that... Dont worry Skeet... If you guys have a girl I'll make sure she turns out to be exactly like AUNTIE KAYLAN!!!!
I'm sure that if/when they do get a house it'll look more like Bed, Bath, and Beyond than Cabelas. I'm sure Scott will have his Room of Death, or Fortress of Solitude, if you will. I'd also be willing to bet that he spends a majority of his day in said room watching people kill animals, plotting about how he will kill animals, and, if there house is in the right location (or there is alot of squirrels in da 'hood), physically killing animals from the window.
Katie, I'll give you another year and this whole "nice" thing is going to end. And Steve...your wife is the master of the words on the wall phenomenon. She is the one that introduced it to me. Personally I like them, however I think that maybe for some men (I won't mention any names)should read some of these quotes on a daily basis. Also Katie if you need help with decorating, I would love to help! And think pretty soon, some of your decorations will consist of baby pictures - just hopefully the baby won't be sitting on a buck, but it would not surprise me if Scott enhanced that kind of photo somehow!
I'm already working on a way to modify a goose layout blind to hold an adult and small child. My hope is by age 4 I can teach him or her to call geese. Then I just have to worry about shooting the birds when they deek in.
He hasn't subjected you to those awful "whisper" tapes yet, has he Katie? There's nothing worse that listening to someone chase a deer for 30 minutes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, I have nightmare still about that crap. And not because I feel bad for the deer, but I feel bad for the viewer.
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