Their son, "The Golden Child" Rhett is a perfect example. Here is a pic of Rhett:

It got me thinking that I could sleep like nobody business when I was a kid too. We always took turns riding with dad in the tractor when he was cultivating or whatever. The tractor that I remember most was the IH 1086, which was nice because it had a foam platform behind the seat that you could pile coats on and sleep away. That was a good tractor. But the best for sleeping was still the Allis Chalmers D21 (Brian will correct me if I have the model number wrong). That tractor had spaces on the floor by the door you could stretch out on if you were under 4 feet tall. Again, pile up the coats and coveralls - out like a light. The thing was though, neither of these tractors were really built for noise reduction purposes so the diesel motor was rumbling about 3 feet from your ear all day long and you slept as well as if you were hermetically sealed in a chamber. There must be something to this noise/sleep thing.
Roxy - good call.
Katie - feel free to do all of your vaccuming, dishwashing and laundry at any point. Window cleaning can be loud as well, go ahead and do as much of that as you wish.
Scott - your going to get a shoe throwed at you when Katie reads this.
Natalie and I thoroughly enjoy your blog, Scott. However, we have noticed poor grammar, punctuation and spelling. We've decided you are not allowed to help your child with English homework!!! :) Also...there ARE plenty of green/yellow outfits for children, but they are all the same!!! I'm buying blue stuff in hopes that it's a boy, because I've bought too much pink stuff in the past few years. If it's a girl, she won't know the difference anyway.
Thanks! I never claimed to be a strong speller. I don't think it matters one way or another what the baby gets for clothes, etc. Dolphins, Twins and Duke wear are always good items!!!
I'd post a picture of the ol' D21, but it won't let me. I remember it well...the nice thing is that two of us could ride in the D21. One on either side of the seat. The cab did little to muffle the diesel engine and not much more to prevent dust infiltration, but did provide a spot to rest after dirt clump wars. For those of you not familier, that is where we would build tiny forts in the middle of the summer fallow field Dad was cultivating, some 20 yards from each other and throw clumps of dirt back and forth at each other. Don't remember what determined the final winner in that game.
These games took place in such exotic locations as: Lloyd's place, Sanderson's, The Border, Grandma's and of course the North and South 40. The Border was an interesting location because it sits amazingly as the name suggests on the "Border" of the good old USA and Canada. We could jump the border whenever we wanted and best yet...pee on both sides at the same time.
Some more food for thought, Scott:
1. Pac-Man mazes
2. Shoving snakes down the old well-head or into the reservoir
3. The grain bin lodged into the grove of trees on its side...called strawberry something or another
4. The countless bricks of .22 shells fired at tin cans and such at the dump
I assume you are talking about the lawn mower mazes? It was a good idea, but no matter how good you made them, zipping around on a snapper mower thru it just wasn't the carnival ride we thought it would be.
I think we called that the Strawberry Slide??
As for the dirt wars, I don't think a winner was ever determined because it ended up with us setting up dirt clumps to throw rocks at.
Send the pic of the D21 if you have it.
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