Here's a sneak peak at the crib area.

and a close up of the crib.

The crib stuff and the moon and stars came in the mail on Wednesday so we got that setup, but then you could tell it needed more.
Unable to find anything in stores that we liked we got some wood stars from Wal-Mart and just painted them how we liked and put them on the wall by the rocker. Kaylan stopped over to help with the painting project. I allowed her to stay when she shared some of her Sushi and Wasabi.

This was a little different for me as the extent of my arts and crafts previous to this was camoflauge painting my tree stand for bow hunting and constructing a Ghilli suit for turkey hunting a few years ago.

We also had a Dr. appt on Tuesday, everything is looking good she says and we now go in weekly from here on out. Both of us are a little more nervous every day and I don't know if it's intuition or the Sushi and Wasabi, but I got a feeling in my stomach that little one is going to make an appearance sooner rather than later. It's just a hunch though.
Love the room!!! I can't wait for new baby to come!! I love BABIES, especially when they are not MINE!!!
See you at the shower!!
Very cute! I am still in love with that Twinkle Twinkle sign.
Thanks! Now if I could have just gotten some work out of those two on painting the stars. I hate when I have to do all of the work.
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