I did get to see opening night at least because the Brewers had already played that day and the Twins had a night game. I was able to watch the gamecast on the internet the other days and I watched a show on how cheese is made. To me, airing that in Wisconsin is kind of like showing Tiger Woods an instructional golf video. The weather was nice though after seeing snow and cold of 7 months and the people I was training were good to work with.
The only other bad part of the week was the landing into Minneapolis/St. Paul. I'm still not quite sure if we landed or if we were shot down, but in 5 years of flying for work, this ranked #2 on the worst landings on my list. Not that it was pilot error or anything, just some nasty wind. It does make me laugh sometimes though, whenever you have a good landing the pilot always comes out and stands by the door waiting for a congratulations on a good flight. If the landing is subpar, they usually stay in the cockpit and talk really loud "yeah, that was quite the strato-nimbus disturbance at vector, niner when we came down to 24,000 feet, eh Ted." "Boy is sure was Bob! I thought my gimble conversions were way off and we'd have to recalculate the widget until I saw you put the power crystals in the flux capacitor."
I have no idea what they are talking about ever, but luckily I'm easy to please. My rule is that any landing that ends with me walking off the plane is a good landing.
Back on the homefront, Katie has started to hit her "go to bed by 9:30" routine again. I can't blame her, she looks uncomfortable, but she's a trooper though and never complains about anything. Her parents brought up some furniture for the nursery today as well. As soon as I get the rest of the crib back that I had moved out during our flood warnings and we get the bedding in, I think the room will be complete.
We went with a moon and stars concept for the room. No particular reason, we just both kind of liked it.
Finally, the geese. Don't think for one second that I've forgot about the geese. They still fly over constantly and taunt me...... now, they openly walk on the side of the road and have no care in the world. Here they are, just down the road.

We've come to an agreement. We can coexist, except for in the fall. Then I have a 3 bird limit if they fly into my decoy spread.
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