Tonight though, seemed like a good night to fire up some David Allen Coe on the iPod and do a little writing. Words always come a little easier when you have the worlds greatest singer/songwriter of all time playing in the background. "Longhaired Redneck", possibly the greatest song of all-time.
I've been slightly stressed of late trying to get my work stuff done. Right now I'm knee deep in what we at NISC call a "software migration". It's where we take existing customer data and blah, blah, blah, blah....... yeah, you don't care and I don't want to tell you about it. But as it stands I will be in the Badger State the week of April 6th and back out there on April 15th. Don't get me wrong, Wisconsin is nice and the people at the Telephone Company are nice, but we're going to be T-minus 30 days to baby time and her belly button just popped out today which in my book mean the turkey's done. Just starting to get nervous is all I'm saying.
I don't know....... maybe I jumped the gun, but I did something rash this last weekend. Knowing how bad Northwest Airlines can be with flights and such I didn't want to risk the possibility of being in Wisconsin when the call came that I needed to take Katie to the hospital. So I traded in the pickup on a new vehicle.

You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?... It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. It's outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you.
I've always been a pickup man, so I did get the Z71 off-road package with the crew cab shorbox.
I can see it now:
Katie: "Scott, I think the baby's coming"
Scott: (While avoiding Imperial blaster fire)-"Chewy, to the Falcon!"
Who's Chewy when you are in Wisconsin? The millenium falcon needs a co-pilot when you make the jump to light speed.
I would let Katies sister Kaylan play the part of Chewy, but she has a bad habit of texting while driving and running into things.
Another reason to avoid flying (assuming you will be on a small airplane because who flies from ND to Wisconsin for anything, really?) My airplane from Williston back to Denver this weekend was a 30-seater, but due to the weight restrictions -- hockey players with some large bags -- they only allowed SEVEN people on board and the rest of us were so lucky as to have an involuntary extended "vacation" in Williston for a few hours longer, complete with a $10 meal voucher of course!
So what they were saying to you Erin is that hockey bags are more important than you are. And thats really sad.
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