If you haven't visited in awhile and don't know what this is referring too,
click here. For the rest of you, here is the Bob Ross pic o the month. Last month was a landing goose that I entitled "Landing Goose", this month I did a jumping trout called "Jumping Trout".

If you'll notice, I've moved into different hues...... red and blue for this one.
It is kind of an optical illusion. Which way is the tail pointing? To its left or right?
Wow, Scott, I'm impressed. Tell me, though...is that Peaceful River Blue or Spring Sky Blue?
It's Thalo Blue..... Bob Ross always used Thalo Blue.
Ummmm. I'm going to say it's pointing to the left.
Is the the June Bug #4 fly you were using there?
That would be an Elk Hair Caddis Fly #12 in brown.
Thanks for keeping the Bob Ross Spirit alive and kicking.
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