Just looking at Katies side of the family and my side, it's tough to say who's more follicly challenged. All I know is that the kid, if it's a boy, that there is a distinct possibility that he will be bald someday. Probably around a 98% chance. In fact there is a chance that he may be the first Kindergartener in history to sport a combover.
Using digitally enhanced technology (Microsoft Paint) and a picture of my first day of Kindergarten I've come up with a composite of what his first day might look like. Hopefully he can score the sweet plaid red schoolbag as well.
Well Scott, that is a very nice comb-over. However, I must tell you that the hair genetic is the mother's gene. So, from what I can recall from Katie's dad, there might not be much luck. However, does her mom's dad have hair?? Well you never know! And by the way, you are constantly referring to your child as a "he", is this something we should be aware of?????
Love the plaid school bag!Do you carry a similar number with you to work?
I honestly don't know if it's a boy or girl, but I go with boy quite a bit cuz it's easier to make fun of me. I think some of her grandparents had hair at one point or another, but then again so did I. I'd say there's a pretty good chance that no matter where the baldness gene comes from that "IF" it's a boy it'll be bald.
If I could fine one like that again I might, but I think the last ones were made in '83
ahhahahahhahahahahh i cannot stop laughing at that picture!!! ha ha ha sooooo funny Scott Miller! You and paint do good work!
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